Monday, September 6, 2010

Pre-school Already?

I can't believe the day has come... tommorrow Elijah starts pre-school. We've had almost four years of fun together and now he's moving into this new stage of life. It only hit me about a week ago that it is really happening and closer than it could possibly seem. I know that he's ready, I know that he will love it... and though I know that there are many many benefits, I also know that I will miss him.
He's been my buddy and turned into the most wonderful big brother to Owen. He loves his place of knowing all the rules and making sure that Owen is held to the same high standards. I wonder about all the things that will change now as I sit on this last night of what will become many nights of wondering how he will function without me.
that's probably the most scary part- wondering what it will be like without me. No one knows him as well as I do ( and no one ever will until many many years from now). Of course, the whole point of parenting is to shape children to be able to go out away from us independantly and be "all right," but secretly we want them to need us, we want to keep them close forever, however selfish and unecisary that may be.
He's going to be okay. He's going to love it. Life will go on.... it will change, it will be different, but it will go on.


  1. I remember how hard it was to let Katie go on her first day of school. And her second... And her third... LOL. At least Elijah will have his grandma nearby--that should give him and mom a little extra comfort with the separation! :)

  2. Kelly-

    I was perusing facebook and just now saw that you had a blog! I'd like to think I'll find the time to catch up on your fam, but I wanted to comment on your current post. It would've been fun if Elijah and Kerensa could've gone together! :) She started going 2 days last year at a church very close to our house. She's going 4 days this year, but it doesn't start until next week. It's not as hard for me I suppose having her go since I'm away from her during the week anyway. But, she has so much fun!! She loves it, and I'm sure Elijah will too. They learn so many things from playing and interacting with others. It's not an easy thing to adjust to, but you will. TTYS!

  3. That is why I will be homeschooling my children and keeping them under lock and key. :P My babies will never leave me. ;) Lol.
