Thursday, December 16, 2010

From Book To Book!

Last year took me on many adventures… and thankfully not all of them happened to me in “real life.” Though there were natural challenges and struggles of having a husband working the nightshift, I chose to look for distractions and positivity wherever I could. I found just that in books. I let myself get lost in reading, become addicted in nearly a true sense on the word. As soon as I’d finished one book I’d become hungry for something new to occupy that empty space left behind.
Right before the New Year, I had decided that I needed to read more; well I just wanted to read more. With the time then available… a goal was set in place: I would read a least one new book every month. This was a good goal, not too overwhelming; it felt attainable -even compared with most years in which I read only four books, maybe. I knew this goal was my destiny when I received what would become the first book on my list as a Christmas present from a very dear friend (thanks Adrienne- Sisterchicks-Say Ooh La La! Started my year and my reading goal off with powerful positivity and encouragement)! And that was it, after reading through that first book, I went right on to another one. Soon I was searching… I had to fill the time right before bed with luxurious fiction (you will notice on the booklist below, that I read only one non-fiction book this year, which was also incredible, but there’s nothing like a good dose of fiction to make you forget all about the mundane problems in your own life).
Somewhere in the summer, I surpassed what would have been the whole year’s worth of books, had I been sticking with one per month! I can’t explain the drive, the thrill of adventure I allowed myself to indulge in. Sailing from one book to the next like a ship on oceans made with words of velvet. What a ride it has been!
So, thank you Nightshift… for this habit has been a long time coming; it may have never happened with Martin home continuing our old routine. Though now he is home some nights, and guess what… I’m not reading quite so much. But the trade off is a good one. I think I’ll keep my goal at one book per month, especially now that I have my husband back for the most part.
And now for the actual list… I want you to know that I’m not bragging, but I’m simply proud of myself for accomplishing a goal, stomping my own expectations into the ground and rising above what I truly thought myself capable of. You will notice certain trends as you read through the list. I will read anything by Nicholas Sparks, for instance. Also I re-read the Twilight Saga not just because I love it so much, but it’s a personal thing that whenever a movie comes out I like to freshen myself up with the book right beforehand. It’s just so much more enjoyable and rewarding that way. I’ve also always been curious about “those Harry Potter books.” Everyone who reads them always swears by them. If there was ever any year I was going to accomplish all seven of them this was going to be the year… and I did it I really did it, and to top it all off the first part of Deathly Hallows came out in theatres just two months after I had completed the final installment!
I guess, the only other obvious trend would be that I have sort of a thing for romance. And not so obvious…mystery.
I hope you enjoy seeing what I’ve read this year. Maybe it will inspire you to break open a new adventure, romance, or mystery. I can recommend everything on this list, though you may want to inquire for specifics… (I would have written a book review for each title, but I thought that would have made for MUCH too long a blog seeing how this one is fairly lengthy as it is). However, I will make two short recommendations excluding the Twilight Saga, and Harry Potter because we all know those get enough hype of their own. So in saying that I have to tell you I absolutely loved “The Wedding,” and not for the usual reasons. I wish I could convince m dad to read it, or every man for that matter. So here’s the scoop: man and wife have been married thirty years. It’s been a good, functional marriage, but he’s not romantic. The question is, can a man change? I won’t say more than that in fear of ruining anything (hate it when people do that). If you read nothing else on this list, read that one… or “The Choice.” And please, please, give me some new recommendations… for I am running dry.

Books I’ve Read This Year (2010)

1 SISTERCHICKS: Say Ooh La La! (Robin Jones Gunn)

2--P.S. I Love You (Cecilia Ahern)

3-Dear John (Nicholas Sparks)

4-The Time Traveler’s Wife (Audrey Niffenegger)

5-Twilight (reread) (Stepehenie Meyer)

6-New Moon (reread) (Stephenie Meyer)

7-The Choice (Nicholas Sparks)

8-Eclipse (reread) (Stephanie Meyer)

9-The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner (Stephanie Meyer)

10-Breaking Dawn (Stephanie Meyer)

11-Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone (J.K. Rowlings)

12-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (J.K. Rowlings)

13-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (J.K. Rowlings)

14-Bird By Bird (Anne Lamott)

15- The Notebook (Nicholas Sparks)

16- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (J.K. Rowlings)

17. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (J.K. Rowlings)

18. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (J.K Rowlings)

19. The Wedding (Nicholas Sparks)

20. Towards Zero (Agatha Christie)

21. Emma (Jane Austen)


  1. Good job! So glad you read Harry Potter - I am an ardent fan. :) Time Travelers Wife is one of my all-time favorites, too. Here are some more book recommendations:
    The Help, Kathryn Stockett
    The Hunger Games (3-book series), Suzanne Collins
    The Power of One, Bryce Courtenay
    How to be an American Housewife, Margaret Dilloway
    29 Gifts, Cami Walker
    Dream When You're Feeling Blue by Elizabeth Berg
    Romancing Miss Bronte, Juliet Gael
    A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
    The Third Sister, Julia Barrett
    The Mitford Series (12 books), Jan Karon
    Cleopatra's Daughter, Michelle Moran
    Midnight Sun, Stephanie Meyer (Twilight from Edward's perspective - you can read it online)
    Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, Jamie Ford
    Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen
    The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch
    Anything by Isabel Allende
    The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas

  2. I have a series that I think you'll love. I'll have to send you the first couple books to get you started. Lately I've been in a children's classic literature kick. I've been reading (some again and some for the first time) many of the greats like Gulliver's Travels, Sherlock Holmes, Wizard of Oz, The Chronicles of Narnia, etc. I reread all the Harry Potter books too in anticipation for the newest movie, which I finally get to see tonight! I know it will not be as good as the book, but it's so fun to see those characters and worlds we come to know and love come to life. Miss you my friend. Let me know what book you decide on next and (if the library has it) I will read it with you. :)

  3. I am with you. Adam works nights and I read a lot. It is addicting. After not reading for years myself (life got in the way) I started a few summers ago and cannot stop.

    I am on the second book of the Mark of the Lion series. (I borrowed the first one from your church.) It is amazing. Really. I can't get enough.
    The Hunger Games trilogy is also a wonderful read. All of them are well written, crazy stories. Looooove them.

    Keep up the reading! :)
