Monday, October 18, 2010

I Miss Harry

I miss Harry. You could say we got acquainted in the hospital waiting room. That was a long night last May… anticipating the birth of my second niece, perfect for meeting a new friend. I was questionable about him at first; I didn’t think we’d hit it off. But everybody kept saying you have to meet Harry, Harry is wonderful. I gave in. They were right. Quite honestly, Harry is more than wonderful. Once I got to know him, I couldn’t get enough. We had our differences, but I found him fascinating. With each encounter it got better and better; he became more interesting, more exhilarating, and I began to learn a little more about myself along the way.
I saw him on and off all summer, sneaking in meetings whenever possible. In mid July, our meetings hit a wall. He wasn’t available, not for me anyway. I had to see him. I was desperate. After a dull weekend without him, I called my brother, practically begging him to hook us up. He came through. Pheww! Together again, and this time I knew we’d be seeing even more of each other, James had promised me that.
Harry taught me a lot over the summer. He taught me the true meaning of friendship, he showed me what it really means to be brave, loyal, and kind, but most of all, he taught me that love conquers all. I wish there was something I could give back to him. And now that it’s over, well, I find myself wanting to go back to the beginning, wanting to start all over again just so I can see him.
I miss Harry. Even though he’s a wizard who lives in a world that doesn’t exist, I miss him. Our last days spent together, I savored, not wanting it to end. Every moment I took slowly. It was like eating a very rich, rare, and perfect dessert, every bite enjoyed with reverence knowing it would soon be gone.
I guess all there is left to say is, thank you, Harry. Thank you Harry Potter for a wonderful summer. I may be seeing you again soon.

Note: Thank you James, for letting me borrow your Harry Potter collection when the library failed me and I was left in dire need, and I further thank you for buying me books five and six! Awesome!

Note 2: To all fellow Harry Potter fans… you know exactly what I’m talking about right? And for those of you who have not been introduced to Harry, well I suggest you meet him soon. You won’t regret it.


  1. LOL!! I had no idea what you were talking about until I read the word wizard. It all makes sense now! Just last month I finished re-reading the entire series in anticipation of the new movie next month. I watched the 6th movie today while working on my Stampin' Up! projects. I wish there was an eighth book. I could use a new adventure to absorb myself in.

  2. Oh, yes! Harry and I go way back. It seems weird that after so many years of anticipating the next HP installment, there will be no more books. I may have to pick up my geeky fanfiction pen to write a couple of continuing adventures! Hmmm... Harry Potter visits North Idaho and takes part in the Lumberjack Games? Harry Potter teaches preschool at CCS? Oh, the possibilities...
