Monday, May 14, 2012

What's In A Name?

Our first two boys seemed fairly easy to name.  With Elijah, our list was narrowed down to just two or three that we liked, and Owen's name was chosen quickly too.  This third baby boy, however, has taken us some time. William was the very first name that I wrote down on our list that we both loved right away, but that didn't make it an easy choice. I wanted to consider every possible option... the meanings, the histories, the sounds of the consonants and vowels...etc.
Here are some of the names we considered (in case you are interested):

Bret, Eliot, Henry, Julian, Oliver, Truman, Wallace, Ulysses, Tristan, Robin, Reed, Gavin, Clark, Charles, Harvey, Walter, Atlas, Jasper, Milo, Miles, Benjamin, Jude, Rupert, Pierce, Grant, Gerald, Lyndon, Lincoln, Everett, Ethan, Asher, August, and Landon

Some of those are still in the running for the middle name, which we have yet to decide.

Choosing the name is such an enormous task. That's why I like to get started on it right away.  I think I got out the baby name book the day after we found out that I was pregnant! A name definitely adds to a persons identity and may influence who they are when they grow up.  It feels like so much pressure, so choosing the right one is extremely important to me. A few weeks ago we narrowed it down to just August,which Martin was leaning a little more towards than I, and William, which by now you know we have chosen.

Here is why I love the name William:
It's classic & strong, but can be made to feel contemporary with the nickname Will or Liam (note: those are the only acceptable nicknames for this child if you want us to acknowledge you... Bill will not be allowed).
I love the way it flows
It's easy (both to say and spell- people won't have to ask twice), familiar, old-fashioned, and makes me think of my little "prince"
The meaning: "Resolute Guardian/Protector" Being the third boy in the family, I thought it would be nice for him to have a name with a strong meaning since he'll have to defend himself against two big brothers.
I like the author, William Faulkner
This one might not make sense, but I thought it kind of goes well with his siblings names... Elijah, Owen, and William.  They just sound good together, they fit.

                                 Once we decided on the name I went out and bought these blocks at a second hand store to spell out his name! They will probably go on a shelf in his room.

sorry if I'm over-sharing in this pic. I had a little too much fun with the name excitement!

So,  now you all know... baby William White is on his way!

Note: posible middle names- James(after Martin's dad and my brother), Jude (means Praise and thankfulness- my vote for now), Henry, & Kenneth (after Martin's Grandpa).


  1. I love it! I mean, if Aloysius is off the table, William's my second favorite. ;) I actually have FIVE Williams in my family--my brother, Dad, Grandpa, cousin, and uncle are all Williams! It's a great, strong name.

  2. I love the name William. It does sound good with the other names. That was important to me when naming my kids, too. Good choice!
