Sunday, September 28, 2014

September HIghlights!

It feels like September came and went with the breeze. It has flown by so quickly with busy-ness and life, that I can't believe we are about to welcome in October. It think it is my favorite month, weather wise, at least here in North Idaho. The mornings and evening are cool, and refreshing, and the afternoons are sunny and perfect for a bike ride or a little yard work. 
Since the month has gone by, so fast, I thought I would summarize a few of our favorite moments.

William is not the easiest one to get to sleep, so daddy usually gets tasked with that job while I read to the older two and put them to bed. On this particular night, however, I had put Will down, but he kept waking up, Martin had fallen asleep on the couch (we do have the most comfortable couch in the world), and I was trying to watch "Downton Abbey," so I asked Will if he wanted to lay down by daddy. He said "yes," and everyone was happy. What could be sweeter? He even gave daddy his baby to cuddle. I thought that was super funny.

Just before school started, I bought this new, very soft rug for our living room. It is everyone's favorite place to lay down. As soon as we got it all the boys couldn't helping laying on it. I especially love to catch William like this... Just relaxing looking through a book. It really does make the place more cozy!

One of the things I cherish, is my time with Owen before Elijah is home everyday. We get a few precious hours together... and it's our last year since next year he will be in 1st grade ALL day! We usually sit at the kitchen table for a while and chat, or work on a project. Many days he likes to go outside and explore. One afternoon, he found this praying mantis near one of our rose bushes, and spent nearly an hour playing with it. He made it a little home out of leaves and grass, he let it crawl all over him, and he talked to it. He is such a joy. 

I love this boy's baby blues! He cracks me up a lot these days as he is learning lots of new words everyday and trying them out. His latest one is sorry, which sounds more like "soddy." My favorite, though is when he says, "okay." He really draws out the "a-ay!" Adorable!

Okay... the pig race at the Spokane fair was pretty entertaining!

Here come those pigs!

William was ready to embrace them with open arms!

It wouldn't have been half as much fun without Papa... and Grandma too!

These bandits are always hanging around my place!

I love this one of Owen with daddy! He looks like he's really about to lasso him!

I couldn't resist having Martin hold up this prop! What fun we had at this photobooth!

 These awesome superhero cars were also at the fair.. so naturally, we needed a picture by them.
I particularly liked the cape for the superman car.

Picture day at school!!! Don't they look handsome?!

Owen looks so grown up here! They like to wait outside sometimes for their ride to school.

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