Monday, February 22, 2010


Next Monday, March the first, I will be starting out on a quest and I am inviting you to come along. I have spent the past two weeks mentally preparing for it and just like any challenge, when it comes down to it, you just have to take the first step and do it.

I am calling it MARCH MADNESS for MOMMIES and here is the challenge:

To work out every weeknight in March and burn some major calories to sculpt my mommy body into something desirable.

It may sound simple, but for me this is huge! I will be posting regular updates... you are my accountability, I haven't enough courage to go to the Gym! I have a couple basic workout videos that I am counting on ( Kathy Kaehler's Total Fitness Workout and Fitness Class).

Why am I doing this? Well, first of all I've alleviated all of my excuses:

-not having the time: for me, once my two boys are asleep I have just the right amount of time to get through a 45-minute workout and shower before my husband gets up to work the night shift. Finding the right time is key. Before I always told myself that I didn't have time, and therefore never made any.
-Not knowing how to workout: Well the video takes care of this for me. I have been preparing myself by doing the video 3 times a week for the past few weeks and I love it so far. The instructor is very encouraging and the moves are basic.
-doing something for me: At first you might think this doesn't sound like an excuse, but I know I am not alone in feeling like I am not worth the time and effort it takes to accomplish a goal like this one. Moms and Women in general I think, struggle with this and that is why I want you to come along for the ride. We are worth it and it is within our grasp to look and feel fabulous every day.

My other reasons for doing this include:
-a desire to be healthy and have energy to play with my children
-finally getting rid of that muffin top!
-my baby just turned one feb. 4 and the "mommy body" needs to go
-my husband and I are celebrating our 5th anniversary this June and I want to feel and look better than I did on our wedding for the special trip we are taking to Seattle.
-lastly I just want to prove to myself that I can do it!

Note: In addition to my workout regimen I will be trying my best to eat healthy. This is going to be the hardest part honestly. I love sweets! It's my biggest downfall, and we all know that sugar is the number one enemy! But I also know that complete deprivation only ends up in a series of binges, so I am going to make some allowances for myself.

-once a day I will allow myself a small treat such as one dove dark chocolate or one milano dark chocolate cookie
-once a week, if I have completed all five workout sessions, I will reward myself with my favorite drink from dutch brothers
-I will also continue my daily intake of chai tea... just can't live without it!


  1. Okay...You already know that I am super proud of you, but I have to reitterate it after reading your blog. You rock sista, and I know you can do this!
    I am glad you are allowing yourself things to look forward to. I still have my coffee - 3x a week, so you are doing better than me!
    I really like the part about doing things for ourselves. It is hard to always push for our kids and parents and hubbies, but we really have to sit down and think about our own needs or we will not be able to serve them in the way we need to.
    I love you. Miss you. Me.

  2. I am with you my friend! But can I call it March Madness for Me? ;) I have already started. Scott and I have actually signed up for the biggest loser competition here on base. So we'll be watching what we eat and working out right along with you. :) I think it's smart that you're allowing yourself a few small indulgences. We do the same thing, because if you deprive yourself too much, you end up obsessing and like you said, binging. I'll be looking forward to following your blog and going through this with you. Yay for accountability!! Love you!

  3. Thanks for the support friends! I am going to need it. I am glad I am not alone in this endeavor. I'm looking forward to seeing some change! We are worth it!
