Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mountains of Change

It's official, we've rejoined the current world... and are now connected to the Internet once again! It has been months and months since my last blog, and it feels like I am miles away from that place I was then. So much has happened, and we've been through mountains of change. I feel like I need to write 150 blogs just to catch up, but obviously that's not going to happen.

Mountain number ONE: The job search
Last summer Martin decided he was ready to look for something else, something with less stress and more money (everyone's ideal, right)? and a more normal schedule. The night shift was beginning to take it's toll on our family, and we really needed change. He had an interview back in July, but didn't get the job. He kept applying to different places every chance he could, and we were hopeful. I have to say though, that after two years of this crazy schedule...him sleeping during the day and us in two different world's at times, we made it work, and I am proud of us. Somehow we still made time for date night's and walks in the park. We've learned a lot about each other over this short detour in the journey of our life. We've had mornings together filled with trips to the library with Owen, and coffee, and spontaneous meanderings through used book stores or hidden treasure shops. In a way, I have loved it, not for it's craziness, but for what we made of it. Every hour spent with my best friend is a cherished one and I have fallen in love with him all over again. We've had to work hard at being strong for each other and doing what is necessary when the other can't. I think God has made me a better person, wife, and mother, through this experience mostly because I've had to depend on Him more than ever.
Months passed,the job search became here and there until something happened at work (which I won't go into detail) that gave him major motivation to get out of there. For those of you who don't know, he worked at a rehabilitation house for teenage boys. He was great at it, but many complicated scenarios arose that I didn't want him involved in. I also feel strongly that to truly heal from anything extreme or otherwise, rehabilitation needs to include The Spirit. Healing comes from the inside...out. But of course the State has different views on that as well.
Towards the end of November, he had two promising job possibilities, both with interviews. We prayed about it a lot as did many of our friends and family, and just before Christmas, he was offered a new job! Yay!!! It turned out to be perfect, exactly the kind of job he's been looking for since he graduated from college and guess what... it even pays All the bills!!!
Last week was his very first week as a database specialist for a software company... and he loves it! I'm actually having a hard time adjusting to his "regular" hours now. He leaves at 6:30 am, and gets home around 4:30. It feels strange to me, but I'll find my rhythm again. Another strange thing is to be able to pay all of our bills and have a little extra to save... I know that sounds silly, but we've never had that before. It has always been scrape the bottom of the barrel and pray for the rest. So, I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you, to those of you who prayed for our family (and those of you who helped us during some of those rough times)We are truly blessed!

*note: I guess I'll cover "Mountain Two" later.


  1. I'm so glad to hear about Martin's new job and for all that God has done for you! Thanks for sharing!! I have always been impressed with what a godly wonderful example you two are as a husband and wife team; your commitment and love for each other shines through in this post.

  2. I'm just so thankful for God's strong answer to prayers! I know it's been a struggle, but I really admire how you guys have leaned on Him for strength through it all!

    Love you!

  3. I know how tough the night shift can be and I also understand the challenges that come with adjusting back to a "normal" schedule. I am so proud of you both for letting these challenges strengthen you and for leaning on each other and the Lord through it all. Thank the Lord for answered prayers! Love you!
