Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sometimes You Just Gotta Break Out In Song And Dance

When you're a busy mom, it's easy to forget some of your "loves," of just miss them because you don't have the time for them anymore. This morning I woke up and just felt like singing. I sang in the shower... I turned on what Elijah and I call "our song," (Which is "I gotta feelin' by the Black Eyed Peas). We sang and danced in the living room while daddy was making breakfast and Owen was building with Elijah's Lego's. I sang lots of extra songs at nap time for Owen until he was completely out of it, and then I held him a little longer feeling that him growing so fast was just impossible. For a moment he felt little again, not three. He felt like my baby.

After that, Elijah and I turned on some more favorites and sang and danced some more. Oh how I have missed it! I used to sing a lot more. I guess it's different when you don't have any formal kind of singing... meaning being part of a choir or group. I miss that, the joy of learning a new song and harmonizing. Ahhh... those days were fun. Now our singing is a little different. We sing in the car a lot, and daddy likes to sing too! That's kind of how we met, but that's a different story.

I miss other things too, like being able to get "messy creative." I can't leave my projects out like I used to. I used to paint and experiment with artsy things. Putting everything back where it goes takes away part of the fun of being free and creative. I've dreamt about a white room just for making creative messes. Wouldn't that be great? You could paint the walls and ceilings and have a continuous mural... I would love that. Maybe someday when the kids are older and we have a house with an extra room or shed... that could happen. They have no way of escaping crafts, even if they are boys. I will always want to do projects and make things of stuff we were going to throw out, etc.

Yesterday Elijah and I made puppets out of macaroni boxes covered with felt and other craft supplies. They turned out really cute and he even put on a puppet sweet!

I guess my "loves" will never leave me and I will come back to them in different ways. Sometimes I miss my old self who had time to sing and dedicate time to hobbies, but she will return... soon I hope.

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