Saturday, March 20, 2010

Focus On The Good

March Madness Update:
Tonight I made my cat proud. As she lay curled up on the couch, my heart rate hit the ceiling and sweat poured out of every inch of my body. When I stopped for a "water break" I was so out of breath that I couldn't even get a mouth full. I wanted nothing more than to gulp down the entire glass and then some, but as it was, I only managed a few sips in between gasps. Though I only worked out four days this week, I upped the intensity by making my step three inches taller- which pretty much has me sweating in the first five minutes! I didn't realize what a difference a few inches would make... I've been using my son's stool that he uses in the bathroom to reach the sink. It's one of those dual purpose stools that changes into a kneeling station for giving kids baths. It's actually very handy. I got it as a baby shower gift and now I have found it's third purpose- aerobic step! The first two weeks I had been using it on the lower knee pad level because it gave me more room on top, but I think it is more effective doing it at the higher level. I don't thinkI have lost any weight yet (my numbers fluctuate 2-3 pounds on a regular basis), but I am seeing some change in my body!

I can't do it all:
Everyone is asleep at my house now. Even the cat is dosing off. There are a hundred things left to do... but I am trying to tell myself I can't do it all. I made a dent in the pile of dishes earlier, I'm not even going to discuss the laundry. The mail is still unopened (I'm avoiding it, only because I know it will be yet another thing for me be responsible for, another thing to file away, or write a check out to). The living room never got picked up... toys are still strewn about like no one cares, and the stacks that line my counter are all reminders of other responsibilities- things that need to get done- soon.
I'm telling myself it's okay. I'm telling myself to focus on all the good that happened today... I got to spend time with each of my boys one on one which almost never happens. I dropped Elijah off with daddy who had promised to get him a strawberry smoothie and take him to the park, while I played with the lovable laughable Owen! It's rare that I get to simply focus on him. It reminded me of when my days consisted of just me and Elijah. We laughed and found our bellies and ate goldfish crackers until nap time.
Later on in the evening I surprised Elijah with a new puzzle. (he is extremely good at puzzles- must get that from daddy)! It was a 24 piece of the very hungry caterpillar. He put it together pretty quickly, and also began quoting the book, which didn't at all surprise me. We sat together at the table. I was working on a new scrapbook project. Every 30 seconds he would ask, "mommy where do you think this piece goes?" just to see what I'd say. I kept answering, "where do you think?" sometimes giving him a hint, but he really knew where each piece went. Kids are funny like that.
I am grateful, though sometimes do feel guilty that I simply can't do it all. I am trying my best to do whatI feel is most important, isn't that all any of us can do? Maybe no one else will ever see my snail-like progress, and maybe my cat really isn't looking at me with pride, she's probably wondering why I would give up a bowl of icecream every night for stepping, jumping, and sweating infront of the T.V. Some days I don't know why either.

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